Sunday, December 13, 2009

judgement day

Oh my. Oh dear. It's here. In less than 10 hours I will find out the direcyion of my future. I will known the score I have been handed after 13 years of schooling. Everyone will be asking me how I went. I really hope I can tell them I did great. They will judge me. I'm so nervous. My heart could jump out of my throat. One score decides my future. I don't want to disappoint anyone, most of all myself. Oh no. Oh dear. 

Please be kind.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

rock around the clock

Nothing much happening in the last few days. Went to a cute 50's diner the other day called "Soda Rock" on chapel st. All the food was greasy and unhealthy but I enjoyed myself anyway. American pancakes. The ice cream is to die for. Each table even has thier own juke box. You slide in one dollar for two song choices of the decade. We decided on Johnnie B Goode and the Birds and The Bees. The songs then play over the whole resteraunt. Pretty cool. If you ever get a chance to visit it see if you can figure out where the coin goes into the duke box. If you figure it out without any help, I owe you a personal high five.

I checked the diner out on the internet and they've had photo shoots for magazines and even tv show recording from it. Even famous names such as Paris Hilton, Good Charlotte, the Veronicas and Tommy Lee have visited!

257 Toorak Rd (cnr Chapel St), South Yarra, Victoria 3141 · Melway ref: 2L J5
Phone: (03) 9827 3500 

Later went shopping and made a couple of purchases that made me very happy. Including this beautiful dress below.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

plastic fantastic

So maybe the only natural thing about her is the voice, but who cares with a voice as good as hers. I love Dolly. Listen to this, so .. real.

Friday, December 4, 2009

call me

Way back at the start of the year I decided to buy a new phone as a reward for finishing year 12. Fair enough since I've had my current one for four years, right? But then I went through a few months of a mindset along the lines of "if it's still works, there is no point in buying another".

But now I'm back. For christmas I want a new phone. I found a few today I might be interested in.

I prefer a pre paid phone. I don't like the idea of being in a long commitment of payment. But the cutest ones are usually on a plan. 

Monday, November 23, 2009

hello melbourne

After seventeen years of living as a resident in Melbourne, I thought that I should properly explore all the city has to offer. So today I embarked on a mission: meet the real Melbourne.

Getting off at Flinders Street Station, I headed for the first little alley way I knew, finding the greatest second hand bookstore I've found in my short life. Flinders Books. I found a copy of Memoirs Of A Geisha that had an inscription in it, "to my dear friend Jenny, on her forty something birthday..". It's dated 15/4/99. I had to have it. I suppose Jenny must be fifty something nowadays. I love this. 

This first alley has the most amazing little brunch stops, the cutest cupcake house and a wonderful social, busy atmosphere. Reaching the end of it I find yet another hidden lane. It's small and very squished. People are eating and drinking their daily coffee on plastic milk containers in this pebble alley;  they barely fit into the food bars. Mixed in between the food bars are hidden boutiques of individual and one off pieces of clothes from Britain and Europe. Quirky jewellery and elegant frocks.

Deciding where to eat is a difficult decision for a person with decidephobia but I finally decide on a mouthwatering focaccia. At this typical Greek lunch spot I meet some nice Greek people, have an interesting conversation and then I'm on my way to continue this exciting mission. I could go on forever about the amazing secrets Melbourne has to offer, but then there wouldn't be anything left for you to discover. So off you trot. Take a few chances.  Turn a few corners. Let your soul soak in the waters of Melbourne city.

Will post a photograph of my day tomorrow.

xoxo Kay

watch me

Don't know what Gossip Girl is? Do yourself a favour, get out from the rock you've been hiding under and head down to the local video store and rent the entire first season. Then the second. Prepare to get addicted.

Fashion. Lies. Sex. Betrayal. Secrets. Lavish Parties. Romance. Luxury.

I would do just about anything for their wardrobe.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

out with the old

I'm ashamed to admit that for about 10 years I have kept every Dolly, Girlfriend and Tv Hits magazine that I bought back in my tween years. Every time I would go to clean out some of the material things I really didn't need, the magazines would stay locked up in the cupboard, saved from recycling. My mentality was that someday I would want to refer to the fashion tips, need to cut out articles/photos or who knows what. 

For the last few days I've been throwing out all my school notebooks and trial exams etc; this equal one very full recycling bin. On the way I started cleaning out my room as well. Then I arrived at the cupboard of magazines and I realised I had not attachment to them anymore. Their hold on me was gone; and so with a few trips this way and that the entire cupboard became empty and I've never felt better.

And let's face it, I'm not going to be needing any tips about fashion that comes from Dolly and Girlfriend magazine. In particular from 2004. Now I have room for the fabulous things coming my way this summer.

xoxo Kay

Thursday, November 19, 2009

no more moonlight

I just get really annoyed when suddenly a show gets canceled due to some poor ratings. They need to give these shows a chance before you can realise if they're going to work or not. So then I get sucked into a promising show, only to be cut off at the biggest cliffhanger with no way of knowing how the story ends. If they won't continue the series, why start it and then drop the fans at such a crucial moment?Why would they do this to me?
The reason for my outrage is that there is yet another story I will never find an ending to. I'm speaking about Moonlight. Yes, I'm being melodramatic but I'm really peeved.

Bye bye happy ending.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

nobody likes goodbyes

I'm posting on an impulse. I was getting ready for my Sunday night ritual of watching Rove when I was shocked to hear Rove McManus announce that this episode would be the final ever. He is leaving television. My jaw literally dropped and I just sat there for a few minutes. Then I jumped onto facebook, twitter etc to share my shock with all my friends. After 10 years, growing up with Rove, I'm so disappointed. It was all so sudden.

Rove has got to be the number one host in Australia, he can make anyone do anything. The most uptight celebrities would find themselves exposing their most embarrassing and funny characteristics. Laughing about them, live on television. He has the best humour; he could make the financial crisis hilarious. I never watched Rove because of the hundreds of celebrities that would feature week to week, I watched it to see him be him. Thanks for the memories Rove and his team of fantastic comedians. I better go and enjoy the last few minutes of Rove, ever.

Rove McManus - Peter Helliar - Hamish Blake - Andy Lee - Ryan Shelton - Dave Hughesy Hughes - Carrie Bickmore

number one

The first entry in my photo album. That's the Sydney Opera House in the background, and who might that be staring right at it? Could that be yours truly?

Friday, November 13, 2009

spread those wings

I may be flying into the distance prematurely, but let's face it. With one more exam to go, the chains are feeling loose enough for me to break out. Today was my first day out in public after a week long chemistry study session. I felt like I had to learn how to behave in front of people again. Add to that the constant feeling that I should be studying for a Biology exam that has already happened. 

This heat wave is really getting to me. That's what you get for living in the only continent that is an island. Although I'm in denial about being an Australian. I'll always consider myself polish. And you better stick to that. Going to sleep late tonight; I'm really into a book I recently began reading. Interview with the vampire by Anne Rice. Not because vampires are so hot right now, I bought it off ebay way before the craze began. Then I just have watch the movie.

But vampires are so HOT right now.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

photo album

I've decided to start something new to freshen up my blog. At least once a week I'm going to take a photo of something in my every day life and post it up here in addition to my casual musings. It could be a photo of the city streets or something as basic a box of chocolate. Hopefully readers outside of Australia will find it particularly interesting to see how different even the basic things are in another part of the world. I look forward to entertaining you. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

death cab

Okay, so I took a risk and bought and album I had never heard of by a band I've never listened to. Random choice. Turns out the risk was worth it, because as of three days ago I can't stop listening to it. It's genius. Brilliant. Moving. Chilling. Soothing. If you haven't met them before, let me introduce you to Death Cab For Cutie.

I don't pretend to be an expert in the band since I only purchased them a few days ago, and have only listened to one album, but their classified as alternative. Big recommend. Here's the album I bought:

If you listen to just three songs, these better be it:

  1. soul meets body
  2. i will follow you into the dark
  3. someday you will be loved


If heaven and hell decide 
That they both are satisfied 
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs 

If there's no one beside you 
When your soul embarks 
Then I'll follow you into the dark

Saturday, November 7, 2009

busy bee

I wish I was busy with something exciting. But no. It's still the same, studying all day every day me. Two more exams to go. I'll be more interesting after that, I promise. Here's a screen shot of me doing what I love most. Note the sarcasm.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Confession 1: I know I'm not a guy, but is it just me or does mens deoderant smell a whole lot better than womens? There's something very appealing about it. 

Thursday, October 29, 2009

whose reality?

In an increasingly negative society, we as humans continue to search for our inner happiness; hoping that one day we will find our equilibrium. One that allows our minds to be completely at peace. However on the search for this equilibrium we come across many obstacles in life, from a young age of seven to the ripe age of seventy. Do you ever find yourself wanting to bury your head in the ground and cut yourself off from the world? Remember the first date on which you humiliated your self so much so that you never wanted to see the light of day again? Or a more serious mistake made that meant a whole lot of trouble once you went to face the music?

It is natural for humans to want to avoid reality, whatever the reason. However it is clear that no matter how long you hide in your bed, refusing to leave the house, it is inevitable that the consequences will still be knocking at your front door.

Monday, October 26, 2009

the final countdown

Exams are creeping up on me and I'm starting to feel that little annoying thing I've heard of but never really felt. Stress. I've got to say, I don't like it. I'm feeling pretty good about the second half of my exams, but the first four are really going to kill me. English for three hours, then Biology and Maths on the same day and then another maths exam. If I want to get into the uni course of my dreams I can't be average. I have to excel. And right about now,  I'm feeling pretty average. Everyone says it's only such and such a score you need,  it's "so achievable".

Easy for the smart ones to say. However today was a good day. Two practice exams. A little bit of "A Man for All Seasons". And I didn't do so bad on Biology. 73. Good start. At least, I'll keep telling myself that. To end the day, I'm going to do two things I love. Baking a cake and watching that delicious show, Vampire Diaries.

xoxo Kay

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Well it's over. Class of 2009 have parted. Sure I'll see you all at the exams, pass you by on occasion in the city.. but before long we will forget and move on. That's how humans work. I plan on being different but how long can I delay the inevitable? I thought I would be overjoyed to leave school, but my heart feels a little empty. Or if it's full, than my emotions are clogging it up. I can't think how to put it in words now, here's an extract from my diary;  "all these feelings are in me and if I don't spill them into this book I might explode and drown in my emotions. I feel so desperatly sad, and I want to cry but it won't come out. I feel nervous and scared, because I love these girls..Sacred Heart= my heart and soul, a piece, in the school that has made me who I am today. Time, stop. I need to catch my breath. I need to commit all their faces to memory before I can let them go".

on the edge,

xoxo Kay

Sunday, October 18, 2009

tis' not the season

What really gets my blood boiling is when those darn shopping centre's take it upon themselves to start the christmas season come October. I mean, I just wish I could give these people a slap on the head. Why do they feel the need to put up christmas trees, decorations, chocolates and all kinds of christmas food three months in advance? It just doesn't compute! When December finally does come along, I don't feel the spirit anymore. What "the man" is doing, is they're stealing christmas, by making us overdose on it.
And another thing, I totally respect the cultures and religions of Australia, after all we are a multi cultural society. But I won't stand for any culture telling me that I can't have a statue of the nativity scene or a simple christmas tree in my local shopping centre (when the season actually rolls around of course). I'm not forcing you to celebrate my holiday, so don't take it away from me.

Thanks for reading, I needed to get that off my chest.

xoxo Kay

Saturday, October 10, 2009

if you drown me in books, i forgive you

For some reason I was born with my head in a book. A booklover. Bookworm. Whatever you want to call it. I would argue it's genetic; Growing up I always watched my father read 24/7. I don't even get how people can not want to read. If you're like me, then we have a silent understanding. If you rather watch a movie or go for a run, then perhaps I should explain.

enter the world of the book addict

We're always looking for a bookstore or library wherever we go. Who knows what treasures lay in those hidden second hand book stores? When we're shopping with you, and we happen upon a bookstore, we're secretly wishing that you wouldn't follow us in. We want space to leave reality and look into the windows of Harry and Alice, choosing a book is a sacred ritual. Even if we don't plan on buying a book, we still want to spend the whole day in the store. Dymocks and Borders are heaven. A sort of tingly feeling goes through my body when I'm walking in. My brain can feel it is in the presence of greatness. Don't continually interrupt us when we're reading. Once is enough, we'll finish the paragraph and then we'll look up.

If you want to buy us a book, make sure you know exactly what we want. There's nothing worse than a book on my shelf that I will never read. The book must be read before the movie. We rather a book over a dvd. Characters become our best friends. A great book takes 2 days at most to read.

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to hang out with Alice. Wonderland awaits..

Saturday, October 3, 2009

fear finds a new face

As of last night, I am an official techno phobe. I think that's the name for people who fear and or dislike technology. No, it's not because I'm like my mum and can't work my way around using mobile sms and the internet. The reason is that I literally fear technology. Here's the trigger;

A new TV show, Vampire Diaries (I know, but it's so delicious), started featuring on channel 9's high def. channel and I really didn't want to miss out on it.  So after little consideration I was utterly convinced that I had to buy a High Def. Digital Set Top Box, which would allow me to view this extra channel, along with a couple of others. After I had installed my ticket to more television, instead of feeling overjoyed, I felt depressed. It was strange, because I want to watch the new channels yet the way digital tv works is so different to normal TV, that it made me nostalgic for good old vintage tv. And I don't think I like change.

Why does technology have to advance so quickly? Why are there so many choices for the same basic tv or dvd player etc? Why are we concentrated on thinking that by expanding technology, we are making our lives easier and better? All the choices we're receiving are only making our lives harder. Another worry: Robots take care of us. Unnatural.

I hate that sometimes I feel bored, and the first thing I reach for is the playstation or remote control. No more! I'm not saying that I want to boycott technology, because the way we live makes that pretty much impossible. And I wouldn't want to give up my favourite television shows anyway. But I do want to go back to basic tech. Not all at once, but step by step. Starting with my cordless phone, bye! I'm going back to one location talking.

xoxo Kay

Friday, October 2, 2009

bring back that 90's feel

As a product of the 90's, I feel almost obliged to gloat about the wonder of this era. Lately I've been thinking about the world we live in, and I've noticed that every year, this planet seems to get more frightening, disappointing and all around unhealthy. So when did we start the descent into an inevitable devastating conclusion? I'm pretty sure that before the year 2000 knocked on our doorstep, people were much more friendly, peaceful and trustworthy. The world wasn't running out of  precious resources and we didn't have to worry about walking around late in the city.

Now I'm not saying it was perfect, but compared to what we are today, it was pretty close. This leads me to conclude that the good times left with the last few seconds of 1999. Instead of going into the obvious details of today's happenings, I'd like to remind everyone of what made the 90's the years to be alive. Even if they were kinda daggy.

Boy bands. Girl bands. The average postage stamp was 30 cents. Sitcoms; Frasier, Seinfeld, Will and Grace, Friends. Dr Pepper. Pokemon. Ricky Martin. Polly Pocket Toys. Hypercolor (clothing that changed color with heat). The claw vending machine. Tomogotchi. Walkman. VHS. Tapes. Overalls. Easy bake oven. Cargo pants. Where's Wally?. Phrase: "You go Girl!". Best friends necklaces. Raves. McDonalds only had a few chains. Youth culture. Sailor Moon. Phonebooths. Bean bags. Blow ups. Pre ipod Apple. Baywatch. Eurodance. If you've got anything you'd like to add, comment me, these are just the tip of the iceberg.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Where true Love burns Desire is Love's pure flame;
It is the reflex of our earthly frame, 
That takes its meaning from the nobler part, 
And but translates the language of the heart.

                          a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

I wanted to share this poem I found, it really touches my mind and my soul.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This summer is going to be the best one of my life. I hope. I have so many plans and expectations that it might not be able to live up to the picture in my mind. So, what's on the menu?

Jump up and down a lot after the last exam. I want be a bookworm again. I want to party with friends. I want to relax with friends. Put up the Christmas tree. Decorate the house. Give presents. Receive presents. (?). Write a novel. Get a tan. Attend gigs. Shop til' I drop. Renew my wardrobe. Sensation. (I wish). Get into my dream course. Feel the Christmas spirit. Be the Christmas spirit. Watch all the shows they only play during summer. Sweat in the heat and know that all my hard work during the year has payed off. Go beaching with friends. Socialise. Start working. Spend my hard earned money. Take chances and risks. Dance the night away. Be with my closest friends a lot. Meet new people. Learn to play violin. Eat out. Just let go. 

I can hardly wait.

xoxo Kay

Sunday, September 27, 2009

generation y don't you leave us alone

I'm so sick of shows like 60 minutes that verbally bash generation y; clearly because they don't have any other stories to talk about.

I'm not naive, I'm quite aware of the stupid teens drinking their way to mental disorders. But I'm talking about the generalisation of gen y, that we're about "grog" and we're spinning out of control. That we are stupid generation. The alcohol abusers. 

I'd like to remind gen x and above that they did far worse then we do, however conveniently for them the media or big brother I like to call them, wasn't watching and filming their every move.

So don't blame us for turning into monsters that you created. You can't create Frankenstein, and then run away when he starts to think for himself. You made us. You created the world we are defined by. So sit down or shut up. Generation y will help itself, we don't need you old people pointing fingers and telling us what we should be.

health kick

I noticed a little extra flab hanging around my body that I really don't want, so I've decided to go healthy to save me from myself.

Rule One: No junk. That includes all chocolate, biscuits, chips, lollies, ice-cream etc.

Rule Two: Three main meals a day; small portions. No snacking throughout the day that never feels like binging but is.

Rule Three: Exercise everyday.

Rule Four: What I do eat must be healthy so as to provide sustinance for my body.

I'm gonna admit right now that this is my fourth day, and I bashfully confess that I had a weak moment today, with some chips. So I've decided to start the count over tomorrow and try again.

Note to self: To eliminate those weak moments during the day, throw out any temptations around the kitchen.

Friday, September 25, 2009

what to do, what to do

With all the trials exams going on this week, I havn't written in a while. Since my last post I've finished True Blood season one. O. M. G. I won't spoil it my mentioning the majorness, but now I'm hooked and need second helpings. But season two won't come anywhere near us for a while. Damn it. If you know when it does come out, comment me.

I've been trying to stay away from the internet because I get too attached to facebook, and then I feel like I'm wasting away my time. Now that I've finished True Blood, I'm back to searching for a new hobby and in my search I rediscovered the ds lite.

LOVE. I finished Mario, and I'm on to Zelda, but this one bit I just can't figure out..

I really wish I could get back to my roots, ie. reading 24 hours a day, but I think I just need to let it grab me naturally again. Until then, DS will keep me company.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I had an english practice exam today. It went for 3 hours. One word: Pointless

I think the idea behind having practice exams for each subject is good, but the thing is they don't benfit us at all since we don't even have time to study for them while we're frantic about everything at the moment. If I hadn't done that exam I wouldn't be so brain dead and I could be studying chem right now. 

Mood: Sleepy

Sunday, September 13, 2009

bite me, please

I had my first taste of blood last night.

True Blood that is. And I got hooked imediatly. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a quick recap. True Blood is a tv series about vampires that walk freely among humans, with the main vamp, the ultra sexy Bill Compton. drooool.

Yes, I know what you may be thinking. I was once like you. I thought that after Twilight, everyone was going to produce low quality vampire flicks, books and tv shows in an attempt to jump onto the bandwagon and make money on the hearts of women everywhere. But this show is so much better than Twilight.

For one, the leading lady, Sookie Stackhouse is not a damsel in distress all the time as Bella is. This girl can take care of herself. 

It's rated R 18+, for a good reason. In the first two episodes I watched last night there might have been, say, 5 very strong sex scenes. But it's not a smutty show, it's more than that. And might I mention that I LOVE the theme song, "Bad things" by Jace Everett.

Wish me luck for episodes 3 and 4 tonight. 

xoxo Kay

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Ever since eurovision aired back in May, I've wanted to get some sort of memento from 2009 Moskva, why? I'm pretty sure that after all the years of watching it religiously I'm able to fairly judge the good from the very bad. 2009 was by far the best year for a long time, the best music and performances. Sure, I think it's insane that Poland never gets through..although I am a little bias, but other than this glitch I can't wait for May each year. So ANYWAY, I thought taping the show would be enough, but it just ain't the same as having my very own DVD copy. So I've been searching for the dvd everywhere, with zero results. Yesterday, I went back to the store that one week ago said that they were sold out, and hopefully but with dissapointment at the ready searched the world section when bingo! It was right in front of my eyes. Joy flooded me and I had it off the shelf and to the cash register before anyone told me I was dreaming.

In short, here sits one very happy girl.


You may have heard of them because of their contribution to the soundtrack of Twilight, but I promise to all the haters who are rolling their eyes as they read the T word, what they did for the movie with Decode is just skimming the surface. They're classified as Punk/Rock, and have an amazing sound and meaningful songs that you can choose to analyse or just rock out to. I've known of them for quite a while now, but with the release of their new album, Brand New Eyes,  looming they've really begun to grow on me. Thanks to an obsessive fan as my best friend. If you want to check them out, the songs that best represent what they're about are Misery Business, Born for This and the newest single, Ignorance. BIG recommend.

xoxo Kay

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I was a little sceptical when buying tickets for Coraline at the movies yesterday, it look okay, but I'd had enough of kids movies to last me a lifetime. Then the ticket lady told us our tickets were 20 dollars each rather than the usual 14.50.  She assured us this was normal for 3D movies. Nevertheless, I was excited to see the movie, as I am whenever I go to the cinema.

Now that I'm on the other end of the movie, I can say that it's another piece of genius from the mind of Tim Burton. It's quirky, kooky, weird and wonderful. It's not at all a kids movie, in fact if I was a 10 year old and went to see it, I would most likely have nightmares that night. The 3D gives it a special touch, but even without it, it would be excellent. Coraline is pretty short, just under two hours but well worth the money we payed for it. Although I felt like I made great use of that 20 dollar note, as we exited the theatre I chose to deposit my plastic 3D glasses in my handbag, rather than in their glasses recycle box. Later on as a trophy I wore them around JB Hi-Fi while I searched through cds and dvds, and felt cool.

Rating: ****

xoxo Kay

Friday, September 4, 2009

all girls

I'm so tired of going to an all girls school, I could scream. Backstabbing, moody friends and just all around BS. One of my closest friends is a beautiful girl who when she wants to be is very considerate, sweet and funny. But this week she got into one of those moods. I get that she was sick, missed out on some school and wasn't too prepared for a SAC but there really is no excuse to treat your best friends the way she does when things are not  going smoothly for her.

I love my girls at school, but co ed university next year will be a welcome change.

Night night,

xoxo Kay

Friday, August 28, 2009

truth be told

Okay, so i I feel kinda bad for not telling the truth. My name isn't actually "Kay". It does begin with a K, and the letter reads as "Kay" and so my alter ego was born.

My real name is Kasia. How do you do?

xoxo Kay

Thursday, August 27, 2009


This website is amazing. If you ever find you self surfing the net mindlessly with nothing to do, i recommend you check it out. Socialvibe is free to join, and easy to use; the aim of the site is choosing from the many causes you wish to support and earn points for them by watching promo videos or just signing petitions to name a few. Points = Money donated by your sponser. If you have facebook or myspace, socialvibe is even easier to use, clicking the mouse just a few times already earns you 100 points for the charity of your choice. Some of the causes include World Wildlife Foundation, Stand up to Cancer, PETA, The Whaleman Foundation and Music for Relief. There are plenty of sponser's to choose from including Colgate, Hello Kitty and Sprint.

I joined a few months ago, I never knew how I could help the causes I believe in, but this is the most simple way to help them out. If this sounds like something you are interested in, click the link below to get started. We can all make a difference.

Kay invites you to    

Saturday, August 22, 2009

unexpected treasure

Today was what should have been a normal day; at the last minute I decided to go to Chadstone to see the new shopping strip, little did I know that I was going to have a conversation with singer Axle Whitehead and be in the presence of awesome DJ Ruby Rose. It was all a little crazy, I couldn't believe my luck that I happened to choose this day to go shopping. But the best part about today (apart from the celebs and excellent freebies from Kookai, Sportsgirl, Just Jeans, Dotti and Portmans to name a few) was when I met and fell in love with the hottest shoes I have ever seen. I had to have them. What do you think of my true love?

xoxo Kay

Friday, August 21, 2009

peek into my life

I've planned my whole life. This is what I want, and I'm going to get it. No matter what.

I'm going to finish my VCE at school in November, and recieve an ENTER score of 90. I'll be shocked to do so well, and extremely pleased. After enjoying free life for three months I'll enroll in a Bachelor of Schience at Monash University and spend three years completing my degree. After finishing up at uni, I'll get a temporary job as a lab assistent which within months leads to a permanent position as a research scientist. I'll make an amazing chemical discovery and people will right about me in American Scientist. After completing this amazing part of my life I will be around 29 and have already met the love of my life. We'll take a leave, traveling to Egypt, Borneo, Rio, London, Berlin and Poland. We get married on the way. My famous discovery will lead to many job offers and so I will end up working in London. After 10 years as the best scientist in the world I'll decide that my work is done and will go into a job as a science journalist. 

Sounds perfect to me, can't wait for my life. I'd love to hear all about yours.

xoxo Kay

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

all i can offer

I never thought that I would become one of those people that study every night, all the time; but here I am doing exactly that. It's not even that I'm studying, it's all that extra work to do. Time is slipping away from me quickly and there is nothing I can do about it. But hey, that's year 12 right? Add to this, that I'm currently under the evil influence of the flu. I offer these as the reasons to why I have not been posting as often, I'm truely sorry because I love to vent my emotions for all for you to read , haha. 

If you are willing to be patient, I promise to do my best to post as often as I can. But at the moment this might prove quite difficult. Thankyou for caring,

xoxo Kay

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the unfortunate

Before I go on, I'd like to let those who read my previous posts know that I'm back to my old self again, thank goodness. I guess it was just one of those weeks.

Being part of St Vincent De Paul society at school gave me the opportunity to volunteer at drop in centre/soup kitchen. This place allows unfortunate people living on the streets a place to get a meal, enjoy a conversation or two and a place to clean their clothes. Going into this building I was a little nervous; Would the people be angry? Would they want me to talk to them? Is it okay to ask them how their day has been?

As me and the other three girls from my school walked in, I found it quite confronting seeing these people who were either alcoholics, former drug addicts or out of jail recently. I could see the sadness in their eyes, then see them light up as they receive a smile. These people have nowhere to go, yet here I am with a roof over my head, clean clothes to wear and food in my cupboard. Cliche it may be, but it really makes you appreciate what you've got. Something that seemed strange to me though, was that some of the men were dressed just like you and me, their clothes were perfectly clean and neat, yet there is a long story behind them.

I'm thankful for the experience, because now I feel I can be more in touch with other people's emotions, situations and issues. Every human being acts a certain way because they have been through personal experiences and we need to understand that, although it can be difficult. Scratch that, although it is difficult. Now to put my own advice into action.

feeling enlightened,

xoxo Kay

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Luxe

Recently, on my last trip to the city, I picked up this book at Dymocks hoping to find a good read. Usually I don't judge a book by it's cover, but if you held this one in your hands you would too. After getting excited over the artwork of the cover, I flipped it over and read the blurb. And my curiosity persisted. On an impulse I bought the book, hoping it wasn't just another pointless young adult, corny story about the same old. I wasn't disappointed.

Read the blurb and see if you can resist it: 

"Imagine, if you will, New York City, 1899..

Society's elite; the glamour, the grandeur, the glittering  parties, the most handsome beaux, the most beautiful debutantes...the rich girl, the humble boy, the forbidden love, the stolen glances, the whispers, the scandal, the mystery, the revenge. You are cordially invited to step into The Luxe; where the secrets are dark and the sins are delicious."

The blurb pretty much sums up it all up. Basically if you like Gossip Girl, you'll enjoy this. It's simmilar to the show, although The Luxe is set in 1899. Suprisingly accurate, the characters are well-drawn and the problems facing them compelling and believable. Don't worry, if you're no longer a young adult you'll still enjoy it. There are enough scandals to relate to over eighteen girls. I recomend it.

Author: Anna Godbersen. If you end up enjoying this one, there are two sequals currently available; Rumours and Envy.

Rating: ***

Friday, August 7, 2009

can i borrow a feeling?

Asking this question reminds me of that episode of the simpsons where Milhouse's dad makes a tape; "Can I borrow a feeling? Can I borrow a jug of love?". It cracks me up everytime. As you can tell by my last post, I'm not feeling very... myself lately. I'll go to school, joke around with friends and chat, but when I get home I feel, neutral. I'm not depressed, but I'm not cheerful. Just.. neutral.

I guess I should be pleased that there isn't anything wrong with my life, so to speak, but I just don't feel anything. Isn't that weird? I just feel like curling up in bed with steaming hot cocoa and reading a book, in other words having some alone time. Usually I'm pretty chipper on a Friday night as the weekend has finally arrived, but this is the third weekend in a row that I'm going to an 18th birthday, and I really would rather have a weekend to myself.

Thanks for lending an ear, hopefully the next time you hear from me I'll be back my "awesome" self again :)

Feeling extremely neutral,

xoxo Kay

Thursday, August 6, 2009

uninspired ramble

Today felt a bit like I was on autopilot. I woke up feeling tired like I always do. I ate rice bubbles for breakfast like I always do. Took the the train like I usually do... the school day wasn't boring, but it wasn't exactly stimulating either. Someone getme out of this boring cycle.

English: Reading, Chem: Notes, Bio: Questions, Italian: Slideshow, Maths: Mini Test

I might as well have not been there. Looks like today's highlight will be a bowl of neopolitan ice cream with the tv. It's shameful to admit but I kind of enjoy the mediocre shows; Amazing Race, Family Guy, True Beauty. Or here's a bright idea, stop complaining about what life isn't, and make it something to be proud of. Yes, I think I'll dust off a good book and sit by the heater, but don't worry, I have not forgotten about the bowl of ice cream ;)

blah blah blah...        Just don't take away my ice cream

Feeling very uninspired,

xoxo Kay 

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

a fine line

There were always two newspapers that I knew could cater to my needs. There was "The Age" who is known for it's in depth articles on all the most important happenings of the world, and then there was the "Herald Sun", who skimmed over the serious stuff, dedicated many pages to entertainment and favoured the light hearted stories about ducks wearing  rain jackets in the CBD.

Over the last few months the line that separated them for so long has become fuzzy. "The Age" selling out, posting double paged ads for everything from socks to supermarket foods and giving insignificant articles about "our" Miranda Kerr's possible engagement to "heart throb" Orlando Bloom 3 quarters of the page.

I always knew where to turn to when I wanted all the informative news on politics, environmental issues and religion in society. Now all we have to hope for is that "The Age" remembers its roots, or the only thing separating the two newspapers will be their sizes.

Friday, July 31, 2009

always leaves you wanting more

I'm putting my hand up and admitting that I'm a die hard fan of Gossip Girl. What is it that draws me to the show? I'll admit I love the scandal, stolen glances, whispers, handsome men..but what calls me to it with it's siren song is the clothes.

Treesje Jovi, Zara, Bottega Veneta, Louboutin, Tory Burch, Paige Gamble, Chanel, Henri Bendel, Marc Jacobs ; to only name a few of the amazying designers and labels featured  on the cast. I often find myself drooling over the most beautiful pieces, yet it is not only the individual pieces, it's the way they are put together so that they just work. Retail therapy anyone?

xoxo Kay

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

change is coming

So I'm headed for the home stretch. Two terms down and just a few weeks to go till I can say that I've graduated from high school. My new life will begin, and all those years wishing I didn't have to go to school in the morning will be reality. I can't explain it exactly but since the start of this school year I have this yearning to live my life. That didn't make sense did it?

It's like a burning in my heart that makes me excited and nervous at the same time. Perhaps it's that for the past 6 years, life has felt like a schedule. Wake up, school, eat, study, sleep. Now that my world is about to shift into an unpredictable version of what I always wished for, I feel like I will be able to express my inner self, meet new people and be the person I always wanted to be. Don't get me wrong, school is a big part of my future plans, but the hope and emotions that are around the corner have driven my heart into overdrive, and it's ready for a new beginning.

Friday, July 24, 2009

back to the future

Watching cartoons as kids, we were brainwashed by television, to think about hover cars, talking robots and teleportation booths as the things we would find if we were to travel to..lets say, the year 3000. As a child I grew up wishing I was born in another lifetime, so that I could be one of those lucky people alive in the future. Ironicly, if things keep going in the direction they are headed now, the world in the year 3000 will be the complete opposite to "The Jetsons" and "Futurama", if it still exists.

We are obviously slowly running out of fuel, apparently it will be all gone by 2050. So how are we going to fuel those hover cars? And Global warming. You've heard the speech. Then there's the next problem, the world is in a financial crisis, funding for projects is going to decrease...who is going to fund the out there inventions like teleporting devices? the point. The point..? Well, I suppose my point is that if you want the world to end up as awesome as "The Jetsons" have got it, use less power, save water, walk to work and spend more money. Unless you're the selfish type and don't care since you won't live long enough to see it. Either way, you can always dream :P An odd topic to rant on about..I was inspired by my childhood.

Under a starless sky,

xoxo Kay

Monday, July 20, 2009

curse of the romantics

I'm a romantic. This comes with advantages and disadvantages, with the disadvantages pretty unfortunate. If you're a romantic like me then you know that we like to look at relationships through rose coloured glass. Crushes seem all the more exciting to us because we imagine men like Romeo are going to sweep us off our feet, romance us with love letters, flowers and dedicate every moment to stolen glances and whispers of sweet nothings. The reality is that men are not like those in books and movies, even though I would like to believe that there is a real Edward Cullen just for me. They arn't perfect and won't always do the right thing on the road to gaining your affections. Deep Sigh. So even though I know what I create in my mind isn't real, I'll take it over dull reality any day. He is so much more exciting that way.

xoxo Kay

Sunday, July 19, 2009

snip snip

So my last haircut has got to have been at least three months ago, probably four which wouldn't be so bad except that my fringe grows fast. When I neglect it it gets so long that it pokes my eyes and, basically to the world I am eyeless. It was pretty bad, it got to the point where people who I was chatting with would put their hands on my head and try to brush it away, which didn't work I might add. So today I made the effort and went to get it cut..but the hairdresser did the same thing she always does, she cut it too short. I always tell her to cut it just under my eyebrows. She nods, smiles and says "Yes, yes". Against all better judgement I trust that this time will be different, but it never is. I don't want to make a fuss so when she asks "Is that alright?" I too just nod and smile. Will this cycle never end!??

Friday, July 17, 2009

this ones for the fans of

Alright, so everyone knows who the simpsons are whether you love or hate them. I'm one of those people who can't stand a quiet house, so when I'm home alone and all I want to do is read a book I still leave some kind of show/movie running. When in doubt I reach for The Simpsons.
So having watched most of the episodes a hundred times a piece I've come up with a list of the best episodes, which no matter how many times I watch, never get sick of. Most fans would agree that the show was ripest from season 2 to 7, and you can probably stretch it up to season 9. Unfortuatly the new episodes just don't seem to cut it anymore, so when in doubt check these out:

Season 2 - "Oh Brother, Where art thou?"
"Lisa's Substitute"
Season 3 - "Mr Lisa Goes to Washington"
"Bart the murderer"
"Flaming Moe's"
"Homer Alone"
Season 4 - "Lisa the beauty Queen"
"Selma's Choice"
Season 5 - "The Last Temptation of Homer"
"Lisa Vs. Malibu Stacey"
"Homer Loves Flanders"
Season 6 - "Bart of Darkness"
"Itchy & Scratchy Land"
"Homer Badman"
"Homer the Great"
"Lisa's Wedding"
Season 7 - "Home Sweet homediddly.."
"King size Homer"
"A fish called Selma"
Season 8 - "You only move twice"
"Bart After Dark"
"Homer's Phobia"
"The twisted world of Marge"
Season 9 - "City of New York Vs. Homer"
"Lisa the Skeptic"

I'll be back next time with something for a wider audience,
Sleep tight.
xoxo Kay

Thursday, July 16, 2009

so this is why they hide

Standing in line at Coles, waiting to pay for our groceries, mum pulls Famous magazine off the stand and adds it the pile of things we decided to buy. Now, I like to think myself as a person who is against all those tabloid magazines that make money off lies and exploitation.. but sitting on the couch with nothing to do, I decided to grab the copy of Famous and give it a read. The first "article" had been titled "What happened to Mischa?" with two pictures behind it, one of a subtitled "too skinny" Mischa Barton and another "Bloated". The article goes on to talk about her diet, unsuccessful career and more pictures of her steadily changing from "skinny" to "bloated.

I couldn't believe the trash they print to sell magazines, the article put me off straight away. I really don't know what kind of person enjoys reading about a person struggling to deal with life in the spotlight, do people really read this for pleasure? Flipping through the rest I notice ridiculous articles; "Leighton fumes, "Back off Blake", "Texts with the ex" and "Who's hooking up, making up & breaking up!".

Surely people are smarter than this, how can these so called journalists even know what the celebrities are thinking and saying to each other? How do they live with putting lies and unflattering pictures in these magazines and making money off it? Don't they have a conscience?

The only worth while bit of the magazine would have to be the style section, and for that I would rather pay a little extra for vogue. Now that's a magazine with class and real interviews with real people.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

my friend, Harry Potter

Before I go on with my rant, you should know that I may mention events in the harry potter series that may spoil the movies and or books.
As the sixth movie in the franchise is due for release tomorrow, in Aus anyway, I though I would dedicate tonight's post to "the boy who lived". I ask you to consider, if it applies to you, why Mr.Potter captured your imagination, heart and respect. After some deep thought on the matter I have decided that there are many reasons to why I myself love Harry. It is his naive yet courageous nature that earns my respect. He is able to be a hero one minute, and then a nervous teenager when asking out a girl the next. He is both human and supernatural, he allows me to identify with him yet also be in complete awe of him.
Then sinking deeper into his world I realise that the people around him are the ones that give me reason to day dream about what it would be like to be one of them, co existing with the great Harry Potter. Ron Weasly, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black..even Molly Weasly expose me to the many different faces of Harry, that make him an extraordinary character in an even more spectacular world.

For these reasons and more I find myself believing that after seven years in Harry's world, I not only love and respect him, I regard him as a friend. Thanks Harry, for getting me through those boring, rainy, dull and sometimes terribly emotional days. You have been there for me as I for you and I wish you all the best.
Goodnight fellow bloggers,
xoxo Kay

Saturday, July 11, 2009

planning dreams

Before I fall asleep I like to plan my own dreams, it sounds a little quirky and you may not think it possible but I do it all the time. All you have to do is decide what you want and think about it as you drift off into slumber. To find inspiration for these dreams I turn to music, the lyrics can create a great soundtrack for my dreams. If you want to try it out, I found these to be quite inspiring (although you should choose according to your own style):

Panic! At The Disco - Nine In The Afternoon
Kelly Clarkson - Haunted
Chris Isaak - Life Will Go On

Sweet dreams!

xoxo Kay

Friday, July 10, 2009

every cloud

Yesterday I met with my father for the first time in months. Our relationship has been shakey for the past year now, then again we were never really stable as much as he would like to believe we were. I won't go into all the borings details of our disagreements, but I do want to share the silver lining of the difficult situation he puts me in. Experiencing all the lows of my relationship with my father has made me a better person. After all, don't they say that every difficulty in life only makes you stronger?

It also made me realise that letting petty things get between me and any friend I have a fight with really isn't worth the negative energy that comes with it. A girl I have known since my first year in primary school has never really made being friends with her easy for various reasons, reasons that seem to be beyond her understanding when I try to explain to her. But I have known her my whole life and why should I let her make me feel negative towards her? She may never really be my friend, but I don't want to think of myself as having an enemy, which is why I have decided to let go of any petty grudges I have against anybody so that I don't end up hurting myself along the way.
Thanks for listening to my rant, I owe you one :D
xoxo Kay
PS: As promised below is what I bought on my first great shopping trip in a while.
Georgia Bandage Dress @ $ 39.95
Shoes @ $34.95
Leopard Print Scarf @ 19.99 Leather Gloves @ $20 and
Bow and Jewl Beret @ $11.95

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

17 and licenced to drive

The day has come finally, I'm officially seventeen and licenced to drive :P Sure, the legal age you can apply for a licence in Australia is sixteen but of course the old attitude of "I'll do it tomorrow" has left me more than a year later finally getting my licence. Next is the first car and I believe that I have one in mind...
the beautiful Alfa Romeo Spider :D "Yes Please!"

So after I got over the excitement of the above, we decided that a shopping trip was in order. I've been really frustrated lately due to the fact that clothes/fashion just isn't cutting it these days in the quality department, and just over all. Every shoping trip these holidays have left me feeling tired and very disgruntled, which is why today was exciting as I found a couple of treasures among the rest of the average looking things. I'm just about to hop into bed now, so I'll post pics tomorrow :D
Sleep tight,
xoxo Kay

Saturday, July 4, 2009

human instinct

As I was leaving Safeway supermarket thinking about how hungry I was, the most appetizing smell made its way from the plate of an unsuspecting lady all the way to my nose. It was at that moment, a few thoughts sprouted in my mind and made me forget all about my hunger.
Isn't it interesting that after millions of years of evolution, humans are still no different to the lion and gazelle in the wild. As much as we can try to deny it, we are animals, with animal instincts. I was hungry and so naturally I was able to smell out the nearest food, lucky I'm not really a lion or I might have pounced ;) .

Then there's the fact that many of us seem to be unable to commit to one life long partner. Sure, penguins stick with one soul mate, but suppose we're like a lion, whose natural instinct is to mate with as many females as possible to make sure his genetic line keeps going. What say you?

I found a piece of artwork by the user "taw" on deviant art that pretty much sums up what I'm trying to say.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Sadly my social life has been pretty no existent as of late, which is probably my fault since I really can't be bothered making an effort. Due to this the first week of my holidays away from school include sitting at home and reading. Yes, that's about it. The good news is being a loner has given me a chance to perfect my cooking skills, so I made crepes and cookies yesterday! The only thing I don't like about cooking is that I end up eating everything and adding to my weight what I'm trying to loose, haha.
Something very exciting is happening next week: I'm going for my L plates licence test! Apparently to pass you need to get 78%. I've been practising a lot so wish me luck!
Tip of the day: Join facebook, I've found so many lost friends on it :D