Monday, October 26, 2009

the final countdown

Exams are creeping up on me and I'm starting to feel that little annoying thing I've heard of but never really felt. Stress. I've got to say, I don't like it. I'm feeling pretty good about the second half of my exams, but the first four are really going to kill me. English for three hours, then Biology and Maths on the same day and then another maths exam. If I want to get into the uni course of my dreams I can't be average. I have to excel. And right about now,  I'm feeling pretty average. Everyone says it's only such and such a score you need,  it's "so achievable".

Easy for the smart ones to say. However today was a good day. Two practice exams. A little bit of "A Man for All Seasons". And I didn't do so bad on Biology. 73. Good start. At least, I'll keep telling myself that. To end the day, I'm going to do two things I love. Baking a cake and watching that delicious show, Vampire Diaries.

xoxo Kay

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