Saturday, October 10, 2009

if you drown me in books, i forgive you

For some reason I was born with my head in a book. A booklover. Bookworm. Whatever you want to call it. I would argue it's genetic; Growing up I always watched my father read 24/7. I don't even get how people can not want to read. If you're like me, then we have a silent understanding. If you rather watch a movie or go for a run, then perhaps I should explain.

enter the world of the book addict

We're always looking for a bookstore or library wherever we go. Who knows what treasures lay in those hidden second hand book stores? When we're shopping with you, and we happen upon a bookstore, we're secretly wishing that you wouldn't follow us in. We want space to leave reality and look into the windows of Harry and Alice, choosing a book is a sacred ritual. Even if we don't plan on buying a book, we still want to spend the whole day in the store. Dymocks and Borders are heaven. A sort of tingly feeling goes through my body when I'm walking in. My brain can feel it is in the presence of greatness. Don't continually interrupt us when we're reading. Once is enough, we'll finish the paragraph and then we'll look up.

If you want to buy us a book, make sure you know exactly what we want. There's nothing worse than a book on my shelf that I will never read. The book must be read before the movie. We rather a book over a dvd. Characters become our best friends. A great book takes 2 days at most to read.

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to hang out with Alice. Wonderland awaits..

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