Friday, October 2, 2009

bring back that 90's feel

As a product of the 90's, I feel almost obliged to gloat about the wonder of this era. Lately I've been thinking about the world we live in, and I've noticed that every year, this planet seems to get more frightening, disappointing and all around unhealthy. So when did we start the descent into an inevitable devastating conclusion? I'm pretty sure that before the year 2000 knocked on our doorstep, people were much more friendly, peaceful and trustworthy. The world wasn't running out of  precious resources and we didn't have to worry about walking around late in the city.

Now I'm not saying it was perfect, but compared to what we are today, it was pretty close. This leads me to conclude that the good times left with the last few seconds of 1999. Instead of going into the obvious details of today's happenings, I'd like to remind everyone of what made the 90's the years to be alive. Even if they were kinda daggy.

Boy bands. Girl bands. The average postage stamp was 30 cents. Sitcoms; Frasier, Seinfeld, Will and Grace, Friends. Dr Pepper. Pokemon. Ricky Martin. Polly Pocket Toys. Hypercolor (clothing that changed color with heat). The claw vending machine. Tomogotchi. Walkman. VHS. Tapes. Overalls. Easy bake oven. Cargo pants. Where's Wally?. Phrase: "You go Girl!". Best friends necklaces. Raves. McDonalds only had a few chains. Youth culture. Sailor Moon. Phonebooths. Bean bags. Blow ups. Pre ipod Apple. Baywatch. Eurodance. If you've got anything you'd like to add, comment me, these are just the tip of the iceberg.


  1. Yes, I miss the 90's also. Don't forget platform shoes. Anyway, how do I follow you???

  2. Thanks for the comment!
    At the top of my blog there's a navy blue strip. One of the buttons should be follow blog. I'm following yours too, I'm happy to have motivated your blog :)
