Thursday, October 22, 2009


Well it's over. Class of 2009 have parted. Sure I'll see you all at the exams, pass you by on occasion in the city.. but before long we will forget and move on. That's how humans work. I plan on being different but how long can I delay the inevitable? I thought I would be overjoyed to leave school, but my heart feels a little empty. Or if it's full, than my emotions are clogging it up. I can't think how to put it in words now, here's an extract from my diary;  "all these feelings are in me and if I don't spill them into this book I might explode and drown in my emotions. I feel so desperatly sad, and I want to cry but it won't come out. I feel nervous and scared, because I love these girls..Sacred Heart= my heart and soul, a piece, in the school that has made me who I am today. Time, stop. I need to catch my breath. I need to commit all their faces to memory before I can let them go".

on the edge,

xoxo Kay

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