Sunday, July 19, 2009

snip snip

So my last haircut has got to have been at least three months ago, probably four which wouldn't be so bad except that my fringe grows fast. When I neglect it it gets so long that it pokes my eyes and, basically to the world I am eyeless. It was pretty bad, it got to the point where people who I was chatting with would put their hands on my head and try to brush it away, which didn't work I might add. So today I made the effort and went to get it cut..but the hairdresser did the same thing she always does, she cut it too short. I always tell her to cut it just under my eyebrows. She nods, smiles and says "Yes, yes". Against all better judgement I trust that this time will be different, but it never is. I don't want to make a fuss so when she asks "Is that alright?" I too just nod and smile. Will this cycle never end!??

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