Tuesday, July 14, 2009

my friend, Harry Potter

Before I go on with my rant, you should know that I may mention events in the harry potter series that may spoil the movies and or books.
As the sixth movie in the franchise is due for release tomorrow, in Aus anyway, I though I would dedicate tonight's post to "the boy who lived". I ask you to consider, if it applies to you, why Mr.Potter captured your imagination, heart and respect. After some deep thought on the matter I have decided that there are many reasons to why I myself love Harry. It is his naive yet courageous nature that earns my respect. He is able to be a hero one minute, and then a nervous teenager when asking out a girl the next. He is both human and supernatural, he allows me to identify with him yet also be in complete awe of him.
Then sinking deeper into his world I realise that the people around him are the ones that give me reason to day dream about what it would be like to be one of them, co existing with the great Harry Potter. Ron Weasly, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black..even Molly Weasly expose me to the many different faces of Harry, that make him an extraordinary character in an even more spectacular world.

For these reasons and more I find myself believing that after seven years in Harry's world, I not only love and respect him, I regard him as a friend. Thanks Harry, for getting me through those boring, rainy, dull and sometimes terribly emotional days. You have been there for me as I for you and I wish you all the best.
Goodnight fellow bloggers,
xoxo Kay

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