Sunday, November 22, 2009

out with the old

I'm ashamed to admit that for about 10 years I have kept every Dolly, Girlfriend and Tv Hits magazine that I bought back in my tween years. Every time I would go to clean out some of the material things I really didn't need, the magazines would stay locked up in the cupboard, saved from recycling. My mentality was that someday I would want to refer to the fashion tips, need to cut out articles/photos or who knows what. 

For the last few days I've been throwing out all my school notebooks and trial exams etc; this equal one very full recycling bin. On the way I started cleaning out my room as well. Then I arrived at the cupboard of magazines and I realised I had not attachment to them anymore. Their hold on me was gone; and so with a few trips this way and that the entire cupboard became empty and I've never felt better.

And let's face it, I'm not going to be needing any tips about fashion that comes from Dolly and Girlfriend magazine. In particular from 2004. Now I have room for the fabulous things coming my way this summer.

xoxo Kay

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