Sunday, September 13, 2009

bite me, please

I had my first taste of blood last night.

True Blood that is. And I got hooked imediatly. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a quick recap. True Blood is a tv series about vampires that walk freely among humans, with the main vamp, the ultra sexy Bill Compton. drooool.

Yes, I know what you may be thinking. I was once like you. I thought that after Twilight, everyone was going to produce low quality vampire flicks, books and tv shows in an attempt to jump onto the bandwagon and make money on the hearts of women everywhere. But this show is so much better than Twilight.

For one, the leading lady, Sookie Stackhouse is not a damsel in distress all the time as Bella is. This girl can take care of herself. 

It's rated R 18+, for a good reason. In the first two episodes I watched last night there might have been, say, 5 very strong sex scenes. But it's not a smutty show, it's more than that. And might I mention that I LOVE the theme song, "Bad things" by Jace Everett.

Wish me luck for episodes 3 and 4 tonight. 

xoxo Kay

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