Sunday, September 27, 2009

health kick

I noticed a little extra flab hanging around my body that I really don't want, so I've decided to go healthy to save me from myself.

Rule One: No junk. That includes all chocolate, biscuits, chips, lollies, ice-cream etc.

Rule Two: Three main meals a day; small portions. No snacking throughout the day that never feels like binging but is.

Rule Three: Exercise everyday.

Rule Four: What I do eat must be healthy so as to provide sustinance for my body.

I'm gonna admit right now that this is my fourth day, and I bashfully confess that I had a weak moment today, with some chips. So I've decided to start the count over tomorrow and try again.

Note to self: To eliminate those weak moments during the day, throw out any temptations around the kitchen.

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