Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This summer is going to be the best one of my life. I hope. I have so many plans and expectations that it might not be able to live up to the picture in my mind. So, what's on the menu?

Jump up and down a lot after the last exam. I want be a bookworm again. I want to party with friends. I want to relax with friends. Put up the Christmas tree. Decorate the house. Give presents. Receive presents. (?). Write a novel. Get a tan. Attend gigs. Shop til' I drop. Renew my wardrobe. Sensation. (I wish). Get into my dream course. Feel the Christmas spirit. Be the Christmas spirit. Watch all the shows they only play during summer. Sweat in the heat and know that all my hard work during the year has payed off. Go beaching with friends. Socialise. Start working. Spend my hard earned money. Take chances and risks. Dance the night away. Be with my closest friends a lot. Meet new people. Learn to play violin. Eat out. Just let go. 

I can hardly wait.

xoxo Kay

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