Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the unfortunate

Before I go on, I'd like to let those who read my previous posts know that I'm back to my old self again, thank goodness. I guess it was just one of those weeks.

Being part of St Vincent De Paul society at school gave me the opportunity to volunteer at drop in centre/soup kitchen. This place allows unfortunate people living on the streets a place to get a meal, enjoy a conversation or two and a place to clean their clothes. Going into this building I was a little nervous; Would the people be angry? Would they want me to talk to them? Is it okay to ask them how their day has been?

As me and the other three girls from my school walked in, I found it quite confronting seeing these people who were either alcoholics, former drug addicts or out of jail recently. I could see the sadness in their eyes, then see them light up as they receive a smile. These people have nowhere to go, yet here I am with a roof over my head, clean clothes to wear and food in my cupboard. Cliche it may be, but it really makes you appreciate what you've got. Something that seemed strange to me though, was that some of the men were dressed just like you and me, their clothes were perfectly clean and neat, yet there is a long story behind them.

I'm thankful for the experience, because now I feel I can be more in touch with other people's emotions, situations and issues. Every human being acts a certain way because they have been through personal experiences and we need to understand that, although it can be difficult. Scratch that, although it is difficult. Now to put my own advice into action.

feeling enlightened,

xoxo Kay

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