Friday, July 31, 2009

always leaves you wanting more

I'm putting my hand up and admitting that I'm a die hard fan of Gossip Girl. What is it that draws me to the show? I'll admit I love the scandal, stolen glances, whispers, handsome men..but what calls me to it with it's siren song is the clothes.

Treesje Jovi, Zara, Bottega Veneta, Louboutin, Tory Burch, Paige Gamble, Chanel, Henri Bendel, Marc Jacobs ; to only name a few of the amazying designers and labels featured  on the cast. I often find myself drooling over the most beautiful pieces, yet it is not only the individual pieces, it's the way they are put together so that they just work. Retail therapy anyone?

xoxo Kay

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

change is coming

So I'm headed for the home stretch. Two terms down and just a few weeks to go till I can say that I've graduated from high school. My new life will begin, and all those years wishing I didn't have to go to school in the morning will be reality. I can't explain it exactly but since the start of this school year I have this yearning to live my life. That didn't make sense did it?

It's like a burning in my heart that makes me excited and nervous at the same time. Perhaps it's that for the past 6 years, life has felt like a schedule. Wake up, school, eat, study, sleep. Now that my world is about to shift into an unpredictable version of what I always wished for, I feel like I will be able to express my inner self, meet new people and be the person I always wanted to be. Don't get me wrong, school is a big part of my future plans, but the hope and emotions that are around the corner have driven my heart into overdrive, and it's ready for a new beginning.

Friday, July 24, 2009

back to the future

Watching cartoons as kids, we were brainwashed by television, to think about hover cars, talking robots and teleportation booths as the things we would find if we were to travel to..lets say, the year 3000. As a child I grew up wishing I was born in another lifetime, so that I could be one of those lucky people alive in the future. Ironicly, if things keep going in the direction they are headed now, the world in the year 3000 will be the complete opposite to "The Jetsons" and "Futurama", if it still exists.

We are obviously slowly running out of fuel, apparently it will be all gone by 2050. So how are we going to fuel those hover cars? And Global warming. You've heard the speech. Then there's the next problem, the world is in a financial crisis, funding for projects is going to decrease...who is going to fund the out there inventions like teleporting devices? the point. The point..? Well, I suppose my point is that if you want the world to end up as awesome as "The Jetsons" have got it, use less power, save water, walk to work and spend more money. Unless you're the selfish type and don't care since you won't live long enough to see it. Either way, you can always dream :P An odd topic to rant on about..I was inspired by my childhood.

Under a starless sky,

xoxo Kay

Monday, July 20, 2009

curse of the romantics

I'm a romantic. This comes with advantages and disadvantages, with the disadvantages pretty unfortunate. If you're a romantic like me then you know that we like to look at relationships through rose coloured glass. Crushes seem all the more exciting to us because we imagine men like Romeo are going to sweep us off our feet, romance us with love letters, flowers and dedicate every moment to stolen glances and whispers of sweet nothings. The reality is that men are not like those in books and movies, even though I would like to believe that there is a real Edward Cullen just for me. They arn't perfect and won't always do the right thing on the road to gaining your affections. Deep Sigh. So even though I know what I create in my mind isn't real, I'll take it over dull reality any day. He is so much more exciting that way.

xoxo Kay

Sunday, July 19, 2009

snip snip

So my last haircut has got to have been at least three months ago, probably four which wouldn't be so bad except that my fringe grows fast. When I neglect it it gets so long that it pokes my eyes and, basically to the world I am eyeless. It was pretty bad, it got to the point where people who I was chatting with would put their hands on my head and try to brush it away, which didn't work I might add. So today I made the effort and went to get it cut..but the hairdresser did the same thing she always does, she cut it too short. I always tell her to cut it just under my eyebrows. She nods, smiles and says "Yes, yes". Against all better judgement I trust that this time will be different, but it never is. I don't want to make a fuss so when she asks "Is that alright?" I too just nod and smile. Will this cycle never end!??

Friday, July 17, 2009

this ones for the fans of

Alright, so everyone knows who the simpsons are whether you love or hate them. I'm one of those people who can't stand a quiet house, so when I'm home alone and all I want to do is read a book I still leave some kind of show/movie running. When in doubt I reach for The Simpsons.
So having watched most of the episodes a hundred times a piece I've come up with a list of the best episodes, which no matter how many times I watch, never get sick of. Most fans would agree that the show was ripest from season 2 to 7, and you can probably stretch it up to season 9. Unfortuatly the new episodes just don't seem to cut it anymore, so when in doubt check these out:

Season 2 - "Oh Brother, Where art thou?"
"Lisa's Substitute"
Season 3 - "Mr Lisa Goes to Washington"
"Bart the murderer"
"Flaming Moe's"
"Homer Alone"
Season 4 - "Lisa the beauty Queen"
"Selma's Choice"
Season 5 - "The Last Temptation of Homer"
"Lisa Vs. Malibu Stacey"
"Homer Loves Flanders"
Season 6 - "Bart of Darkness"
"Itchy & Scratchy Land"
"Homer Badman"
"Homer the Great"
"Lisa's Wedding"
Season 7 - "Home Sweet homediddly.."
"King size Homer"
"A fish called Selma"
Season 8 - "You only move twice"
"Bart After Dark"
"Homer's Phobia"
"The twisted world of Marge"
Season 9 - "City of New York Vs. Homer"
"Lisa the Skeptic"

I'll be back next time with something for a wider audience,
Sleep tight.
xoxo Kay

Thursday, July 16, 2009

so this is why they hide

Standing in line at Coles, waiting to pay for our groceries, mum pulls Famous magazine off the stand and adds it the pile of things we decided to buy. Now, I like to think myself as a person who is against all those tabloid magazines that make money off lies and exploitation.. but sitting on the couch with nothing to do, I decided to grab the copy of Famous and give it a read. The first "article" had been titled "What happened to Mischa?" with two pictures behind it, one of a subtitled "too skinny" Mischa Barton and another "Bloated". The article goes on to talk about her diet, unsuccessful career and more pictures of her steadily changing from "skinny" to "bloated.

I couldn't believe the trash they print to sell magazines, the article put me off straight away. I really don't know what kind of person enjoys reading about a person struggling to deal with life in the spotlight, do people really read this for pleasure? Flipping through the rest I notice ridiculous articles; "Leighton fumes, "Back off Blake", "Texts with the ex" and "Who's hooking up, making up & breaking up!".

Surely people are smarter than this, how can these so called journalists even know what the celebrities are thinking and saying to each other? How do they live with putting lies and unflattering pictures in these magazines and making money off it? Don't they have a conscience?

The only worth while bit of the magazine would have to be the style section, and for that I would rather pay a little extra for vogue. Now that's a magazine with class and real interviews with real people.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

my friend, Harry Potter

Before I go on with my rant, you should know that I may mention events in the harry potter series that may spoil the movies and or books.
As the sixth movie in the franchise is due for release tomorrow, in Aus anyway, I though I would dedicate tonight's post to "the boy who lived". I ask you to consider, if it applies to you, why Mr.Potter captured your imagination, heart and respect. After some deep thought on the matter I have decided that there are many reasons to why I myself love Harry. It is his naive yet courageous nature that earns my respect. He is able to be a hero one minute, and then a nervous teenager when asking out a girl the next. He is both human and supernatural, he allows me to identify with him yet also be in complete awe of him.
Then sinking deeper into his world I realise that the people around him are the ones that give me reason to day dream about what it would be like to be one of them, co existing with the great Harry Potter. Ron Weasly, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black..even Molly Weasly expose me to the many different faces of Harry, that make him an extraordinary character in an even more spectacular world.

For these reasons and more I find myself believing that after seven years in Harry's world, I not only love and respect him, I regard him as a friend. Thanks Harry, for getting me through those boring, rainy, dull and sometimes terribly emotional days. You have been there for me as I for you and I wish you all the best.
Goodnight fellow bloggers,
xoxo Kay

Saturday, July 11, 2009

planning dreams

Before I fall asleep I like to plan my own dreams, it sounds a little quirky and you may not think it possible but I do it all the time. All you have to do is decide what you want and think about it as you drift off into slumber. To find inspiration for these dreams I turn to music, the lyrics can create a great soundtrack for my dreams. If you want to try it out, I found these to be quite inspiring (although you should choose according to your own style):

Panic! At The Disco - Nine In The Afternoon
Kelly Clarkson - Haunted
Chris Isaak - Life Will Go On

Sweet dreams!

xoxo Kay

Friday, July 10, 2009

every cloud

Yesterday I met with my father for the first time in months. Our relationship has been shakey for the past year now, then again we were never really stable as much as he would like to believe we were. I won't go into all the borings details of our disagreements, but I do want to share the silver lining of the difficult situation he puts me in. Experiencing all the lows of my relationship with my father has made me a better person. After all, don't they say that every difficulty in life only makes you stronger?

It also made me realise that letting petty things get between me and any friend I have a fight with really isn't worth the negative energy that comes with it. A girl I have known since my first year in primary school has never really made being friends with her easy for various reasons, reasons that seem to be beyond her understanding when I try to explain to her. But I have known her my whole life and why should I let her make me feel negative towards her? She may never really be my friend, but I don't want to think of myself as having an enemy, which is why I have decided to let go of any petty grudges I have against anybody so that I don't end up hurting myself along the way.
Thanks for listening to my rant, I owe you one :D
xoxo Kay
PS: As promised below is what I bought on my first great shopping trip in a while.
Georgia Bandage Dress @ $ 39.95
Shoes @ $34.95
Leopard Print Scarf @ 19.99 Leather Gloves @ $20 and
Bow and Jewl Beret @ $11.95

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

17 and licenced to drive

The day has come finally, I'm officially seventeen and licenced to drive :P Sure, the legal age you can apply for a licence in Australia is sixteen but of course the old attitude of "I'll do it tomorrow" has left me more than a year later finally getting my licence. Next is the first car and I believe that I have one in mind...
the beautiful Alfa Romeo Spider :D "Yes Please!"

So after I got over the excitement of the above, we decided that a shopping trip was in order. I've been really frustrated lately due to the fact that clothes/fashion just isn't cutting it these days in the quality department, and just over all. Every shoping trip these holidays have left me feeling tired and very disgruntled, which is why today was exciting as I found a couple of treasures among the rest of the average looking things. I'm just about to hop into bed now, so I'll post pics tomorrow :D
Sleep tight,
xoxo Kay

Saturday, July 4, 2009

human instinct

As I was leaving Safeway supermarket thinking about how hungry I was, the most appetizing smell made its way from the plate of an unsuspecting lady all the way to my nose. It was at that moment, a few thoughts sprouted in my mind and made me forget all about my hunger.
Isn't it interesting that after millions of years of evolution, humans are still no different to the lion and gazelle in the wild. As much as we can try to deny it, we are animals, with animal instincts. I was hungry and so naturally I was able to smell out the nearest food, lucky I'm not really a lion or I might have pounced ;) .

Then there's the fact that many of us seem to be unable to commit to one life long partner. Sure, penguins stick with one soul mate, but suppose we're like a lion, whose natural instinct is to mate with as many females as possible to make sure his genetic line keeps going. What say you?

I found a piece of artwork by the user "taw" on deviant art that pretty much sums up what I'm trying to say.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Sadly my social life has been pretty no existent as of late, which is probably my fault since I really can't be bothered making an effort. Due to this the first week of my holidays away from school include sitting at home and reading. Yes, that's about it. The good news is being a loner has given me a chance to perfect my cooking skills, so I made crepes and cookies yesterday! The only thing I don't like about cooking is that I end up eating everything and adding to my weight what I'm trying to loose, haha.
Something very exciting is happening next week: I'm going for my L plates licence test! Apparently to pass you need to get 78%. I've been practising a lot so wish me luck!
Tip of the day: Join facebook, I've found so many lost friends on it :D

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

true love

Hey all you bloggers out there,
I woke up this morning with the urge to go for a walk only to be greeted with strong winds and a very rainy sky. So instead of doing some much needed exercise I'm covered in blankets with laptop in hand. A win/lose situation I say. One thing you should know is that I'm a huge fan fan of Eurovision and watch it annually, which is where my infatuation began with the most beautiful man I have ever seen ;) His name is Alexander Rybak, he is a 23 year old singer/violinist out of Norway and I think this is love. Why must the fact that I live in Australia and he in Norway keep us apart? No, I'm not delusional, but I do want his album, which of course is only available in Europe. I've put in a request to my uncle in Poland to send it to me, keep your fingers crossed he finds it for me!
I'll take this opportunity to thank the men who have made a guest appearance in my dreams: Bradley James, Colin Firth, Simon Baker, Tom Welling and Edward Cullen(he was real to me).