Thursday, October 29, 2009

whose reality?

In an increasingly negative society, we as humans continue to search for our inner happiness; hoping that one day we will find our equilibrium. One that allows our minds to be completely at peace. However on the search for this equilibrium we come across many obstacles in life, from a young age of seven to the ripe age of seventy. Do you ever find yourself wanting to bury your head in the ground and cut yourself off from the world? Remember the first date on which you humiliated your self so much so that you never wanted to see the light of day again? Or a more serious mistake made that meant a whole lot of trouble once you went to face the music?

It is natural for humans to want to avoid reality, whatever the reason. However it is clear that no matter how long you hide in your bed, refusing to leave the house, it is inevitable that the consequences will still be knocking at your front door.

Monday, October 26, 2009

the final countdown

Exams are creeping up on me and I'm starting to feel that little annoying thing I've heard of but never really felt. Stress. I've got to say, I don't like it. I'm feeling pretty good about the second half of my exams, but the first four are really going to kill me. English for three hours, then Biology and Maths on the same day and then another maths exam. If I want to get into the uni course of my dreams I can't be average. I have to excel. And right about now,  I'm feeling pretty average. Everyone says it's only such and such a score you need,  it's "so achievable".

Easy for the smart ones to say. However today was a good day. Two practice exams. A little bit of "A Man for All Seasons". And I didn't do so bad on Biology. 73. Good start. At least, I'll keep telling myself that. To end the day, I'm going to do two things I love. Baking a cake and watching that delicious show, Vampire Diaries.

xoxo Kay

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Well it's over. Class of 2009 have parted. Sure I'll see you all at the exams, pass you by on occasion in the city.. but before long we will forget and move on. That's how humans work. I plan on being different but how long can I delay the inevitable? I thought I would be overjoyed to leave school, but my heart feels a little empty. Or if it's full, than my emotions are clogging it up. I can't think how to put it in words now, here's an extract from my diary;  "all these feelings are in me and if I don't spill them into this book I might explode and drown in my emotions. I feel so desperatly sad, and I want to cry but it won't come out. I feel nervous and scared, because I love these girls..Sacred Heart= my heart and soul, a piece, in the school that has made me who I am today. Time, stop. I need to catch my breath. I need to commit all their faces to memory before I can let them go".

on the edge,

xoxo Kay

Sunday, October 18, 2009

tis' not the season

What really gets my blood boiling is when those darn shopping centre's take it upon themselves to start the christmas season come October. I mean, I just wish I could give these people a slap on the head. Why do they feel the need to put up christmas trees, decorations, chocolates and all kinds of christmas food three months in advance? It just doesn't compute! When December finally does come along, I don't feel the spirit anymore. What "the man" is doing, is they're stealing christmas, by making us overdose on it.
And another thing, I totally respect the cultures and religions of Australia, after all we are a multi cultural society. But I won't stand for any culture telling me that I can't have a statue of the nativity scene or a simple christmas tree in my local shopping centre (when the season actually rolls around of course). I'm not forcing you to celebrate my holiday, so don't take it away from me.

Thanks for reading, I needed to get that off my chest.

xoxo Kay

Saturday, October 10, 2009

if you drown me in books, i forgive you

For some reason I was born with my head in a book. A booklover. Bookworm. Whatever you want to call it. I would argue it's genetic; Growing up I always watched my father read 24/7. I don't even get how people can not want to read. If you're like me, then we have a silent understanding. If you rather watch a movie or go for a run, then perhaps I should explain.

enter the world of the book addict

We're always looking for a bookstore or library wherever we go. Who knows what treasures lay in those hidden second hand book stores? When we're shopping with you, and we happen upon a bookstore, we're secretly wishing that you wouldn't follow us in. We want space to leave reality and look into the windows of Harry and Alice, choosing a book is a sacred ritual. Even if we don't plan on buying a book, we still want to spend the whole day in the store. Dymocks and Borders are heaven. A sort of tingly feeling goes through my body when I'm walking in. My brain can feel it is in the presence of greatness. Don't continually interrupt us when we're reading. Once is enough, we'll finish the paragraph and then we'll look up.

If you want to buy us a book, make sure you know exactly what we want. There's nothing worse than a book on my shelf that I will never read. The book must be read before the movie. We rather a book over a dvd. Characters become our best friends. A great book takes 2 days at most to read.

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to hang out with Alice. Wonderland awaits..

Saturday, October 3, 2009

fear finds a new face

As of last night, I am an official techno phobe. I think that's the name for people who fear and or dislike technology. No, it's not because I'm like my mum and can't work my way around using mobile sms and the internet. The reason is that I literally fear technology. Here's the trigger;

A new TV show, Vampire Diaries (I know, but it's so delicious), started featuring on channel 9's high def. channel and I really didn't want to miss out on it.  So after little consideration I was utterly convinced that I had to buy a High Def. Digital Set Top Box, which would allow me to view this extra channel, along with a couple of others. After I had installed my ticket to more television, instead of feeling overjoyed, I felt depressed. It was strange, because I want to watch the new channels yet the way digital tv works is so different to normal TV, that it made me nostalgic for good old vintage tv. And I don't think I like change.

Why does technology have to advance so quickly? Why are there so many choices for the same basic tv or dvd player etc? Why are we concentrated on thinking that by expanding technology, we are making our lives easier and better? All the choices we're receiving are only making our lives harder. Another worry: Robots take care of us. Unnatural.

I hate that sometimes I feel bored, and the first thing I reach for is the playstation or remote control. No more! I'm not saying that I want to boycott technology, because the way we live makes that pretty much impossible. And I wouldn't want to give up my favourite television shows anyway. But I do want to go back to basic tech. Not all at once, but step by step. Starting with my cordless phone, bye! I'm going back to one location talking.

xoxo Kay

Friday, October 2, 2009

bring back that 90's feel

As a product of the 90's, I feel almost obliged to gloat about the wonder of this era. Lately I've been thinking about the world we live in, and I've noticed that every year, this planet seems to get more frightening, disappointing and all around unhealthy. So when did we start the descent into an inevitable devastating conclusion? I'm pretty sure that before the year 2000 knocked on our doorstep, people were much more friendly, peaceful and trustworthy. The world wasn't running out of  precious resources and we didn't have to worry about walking around late in the city.

Now I'm not saying it was perfect, but compared to what we are today, it was pretty close. This leads me to conclude that the good times left with the last few seconds of 1999. Instead of going into the obvious details of today's happenings, I'd like to remind everyone of what made the 90's the years to be alive. Even if they were kinda daggy.

Boy bands. Girl bands. The average postage stamp was 30 cents. Sitcoms; Frasier, Seinfeld, Will and Grace, Friends. Dr Pepper. Pokemon. Ricky Martin. Polly Pocket Toys. Hypercolor (clothing that changed color with heat). The claw vending machine. Tomogotchi. Walkman. VHS. Tapes. Overalls. Easy bake oven. Cargo pants. Where's Wally?. Phrase: "You go Girl!". Best friends necklaces. Raves. McDonalds only had a few chains. Youth culture. Sailor Moon. Phonebooths. Bean bags. Blow ups. Pre ipod Apple. Baywatch. Eurodance. If you've got anything you'd like to add, comment me, these are just the tip of the iceberg.