Monday, November 23, 2009

hello melbourne

After seventeen years of living as a resident in Melbourne, I thought that I should properly explore all the city has to offer. So today I embarked on a mission: meet the real Melbourne.

Getting off at Flinders Street Station, I headed for the first little alley way I knew, finding the greatest second hand bookstore I've found in my short life. Flinders Books. I found a copy of Memoirs Of A Geisha that had an inscription in it, "to my dear friend Jenny, on her forty something birthday..". It's dated 15/4/99. I had to have it. I suppose Jenny must be fifty something nowadays. I love this. 

This first alley has the most amazing little brunch stops, the cutest cupcake house and a wonderful social, busy atmosphere. Reaching the end of it I find yet another hidden lane. It's small and very squished. People are eating and drinking their daily coffee on plastic milk containers in this pebble alley;  they barely fit into the food bars. Mixed in between the food bars are hidden boutiques of individual and one off pieces of clothes from Britain and Europe. Quirky jewellery and elegant frocks.

Deciding where to eat is a difficult decision for a person with decidephobia but I finally decide on a mouthwatering focaccia. At this typical Greek lunch spot I meet some nice Greek people, have an interesting conversation and then I'm on my way to continue this exciting mission. I could go on forever about the amazing secrets Melbourne has to offer, but then there wouldn't be anything left for you to discover. So off you trot. Take a few chances.  Turn a few corners. Let your soul soak in the waters of Melbourne city.

Will post a photograph of my day tomorrow.

xoxo Kay

watch me

Don't know what Gossip Girl is? Do yourself a favour, get out from the rock you've been hiding under and head down to the local video store and rent the entire first season. Then the second. Prepare to get addicted.

Fashion. Lies. Sex. Betrayal. Secrets. Lavish Parties. Romance. Luxury.

I would do just about anything for their wardrobe.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

out with the old

I'm ashamed to admit that for about 10 years I have kept every Dolly, Girlfriend and Tv Hits magazine that I bought back in my tween years. Every time I would go to clean out some of the material things I really didn't need, the magazines would stay locked up in the cupboard, saved from recycling. My mentality was that someday I would want to refer to the fashion tips, need to cut out articles/photos or who knows what. 

For the last few days I've been throwing out all my school notebooks and trial exams etc; this equal one very full recycling bin. On the way I started cleaning out my room as well. Then I arrived at the cupboard of magazines and I realised I had not attachment to them anymore. Their hold on me was gone; and so with a few trips this way and that the entire cupboard became empty and I've never felt better.

And let's face it, I'm not going to be needing any tips about fashion that comes from Dolly and Girlfriend magazine. In particular from 2004. Now I have room for the fabulous things coming my way this summer.

xoxo Kay

Thursday, November 19, 2009

no more moonlight

I just get really annoyed when suddenly a show gets canceled due to some poor ratings. They need to give these shows a chance before you can realise if they're going to work or not. So then I get sucked into a promising show, only to be cut off at the biggest cliffhanger with no way of knowing how the story ends. If they won't continue the series, why start it and then drop the fans at such a crucial moment?Why would they do this to me?
The reason for my outrage is that there is yet another story I will never find an ending to. I'm speaking about Moonlight. Yes, I'm being melodramatic but I'm really peeved.

Bye bye happy ending.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

nobody likes goodbyes

I'm posting on an impulse. I was getting ready for my Sunday night ritual of watching Rove when I was shocked to hear Rove McManus announce that this episode would be the final ever. He is leaving television. My jaw literally dropped and I just sat there for a few minutes. Then I jumped onto facebook, twitter etc to share my shock with all my friends. After 10 years, growing up with Rove, I'm so disappointed. It was all so sudden.

Rove has got to be the number one host in Australia, he can make anyone do anything. The most uptight celebrities would find themselves exposing their most embarrassing and funny characteristics. Laughing about them, live on television. He has the best humour; he could make the financial crisis hilarious. I never watched Rove because of the hundreds of celebrities that would feature week to week, I watched it to see him be him. Thanks for the memories Rove and his team of fantastic comedians. I better go and enjoy the last few minutes of Rove, ever.

Rove McManus - Peter Helliar - Hamish Blake - Andy Lee - Ryan Shelton - Dave Hughesy Hughes - Carrie Bickmore

number one

The first entry in my photo album. That's the Sydney Opera House in the background, and who might that be staring right at it? Could that be yours truly?

Friday, November 13, 2009

spread those wings

I may be flying into the distance prematurely, but let's face it. With one more exam to go, the chains are feeling loose enough for me to break out. Today was my first day out in public after a week long chemistry study session. I felt like I had to learn how to behave in front of people again. Add to that the constant feeling that I should be studying for a Biology exam that has already happened. 

This heat wave is really getting to me. That's what you get for living in the only continent that is an island. Although I'm in denial about being an Australian. I'll always consider myself polish. And you better stick to that. Going to sleep late tonight; I'm really into a book I recently began reading. Interview with the vampire by Anne Rice. Not because vampires are so hot right now, I bought it off ebay way before the craze began. Then I just have watch the movie.

But vampires are so HOT right now.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

photo album

I've decided to start something new to freshen up my blog. At least once a week I'm going to take a photo of something in my every day life and post it up here in addition to my casual musings. It could be a photo of the city streets or something as basic a box of chocolate. Hopefully readers outside of Australia will find it particularly interesting to see how different even the basic things are in another part of the world. I look forward to entertaining you. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

death cab

Okay, so I took a risk and bought and album I had never heard of by a band I've never listened to. Random choice. Turns out the risk was worth it, because as of three days ago I can't stop listening to it. It's genius. Brilliant. Moving. Chilling. Soothing. If you haven't met them before, let me introduce you to Death Cab For Cutie.

I don't pretend to be an expert in the band since I only purchased them a few days ago, and have only listened to one album, but their classified as alternative. Big recommend. Here's the album I bought:

If you listen to just three songs, these better be it:

  1. soul meets body
  2. i will follow you into the dark
  3. someday you will be loved


If heaven and hell decide 
That they both are satisfied 
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs 

If there's no one beside you 
When your soul embarks 
Then I'll follow you into the dark

Saturday, November 7, 2009

busy bee

I wish I was busy with something exciting. But no. It's still the same, studying all day every day me. Two more exams to go. I'll be more interesting after that, I promise. Here's a screen shot of me doing what I love most. Note the sarcasm.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Confession 1: I know I'm not a guy, but is it just me or does mens deoderant smell a whole lot better than womens? There's something very appealing about it.