Sunday, February 21, 2010


In the past few days, I think I've become a shopaholic. I've bought three dresses, five tops, a pair of shoes, three pairs of earrings, two pj pants..etc. Usually I would post photos of my new purchases, but there are so many, I'm thinking I'll skip it. The best part is, on one of my shopping trips, I should have spent $300 or so on a Wayne Cooper dress, two Peter Alexander Pjamas and a hat. But on that day, all that left my purse was $26. That just goes to show you, you don't need to spend up big, to buy good quality clothes.

I hadn't gone on a really good shopping trip in a while, and now that I have gone pretty much everyday for a week, I'm sick of it again. Although if the two pieces I've had my eye on in Myer go on sale, I might just have to force myself to go and buy them.

Recent realisation: Febuary is the best month for Shoe sales. Most shops go for up to 75% off.

Now, with all that shopping I still didn't get those things I really need.

1. A new purse. My current one has.. shall we say, seen better days.
2. Sunglasses. I broke my beautiful vintage French pair. I hate it when they find themselves onto the seat I'm about to sit on.
3. A bag. A fairly large one, I need it to carry my university books. I found one, but then I forgot to go buy it on my way out.
4. Casual shoes. Flats, just everyday shoes. Desperate.
5. Jacket. A nice, fitted winter jacket. Wish I could snap one out of gossip girl.

After a big night out, I'm going to bed early. A first for me.

On second thought I probably won't be able to commit to that.

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