Sunday, April 18, 2010


Last night me and a friend went to see Josh Thomas do his thing at the Comedy Theatre. I'd been interested in him ever since his first appearence if "Good News Week". You might also recognise him from "Talking about your generation". He had that boyish charm and ability to make people laugh at him, but with him, making fun of himself. So when the Comedy Festival came around I naturally jumped at the chance to see if he was really funny. And I wasn't disappointed.
The show, Suprise, was centred around his coming out as a gay man. If I had know that was what it was going to be about I might not have gone. I wouldn't think you could get any laughs out of that. But boy was I wrong. He was hilarious, going through his story; he even squeezed in a few pokes at Frankston and Geelong, which we citizens of Melbourne could only understand. And that makes them even better. Although I wouldn't say his show is for everyone, or even his style of comedy, but it manages to reach most audiences with the connection he makes with the crowd. It was refreshing to see him talk to us all, instead of just going on with his agenda. As some late comers tip toed into their seats, he would ask them why they were late and poke a little fun at them for it.
So what would I give "Suprise"? My rating would have to be *** and half a *. Although if I was to rate Josh himself, he would get **** . Great comedian, I think he's really starting to take off.

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