Saturday, April 24, 2010

ice blocks and warm beds

I'm waiting for winter to show it's true colours. None of this sun and warmth nonsense. I want Ice Queen. Blizzards and Storms. Rainy nights in bed and rainy days at university. Running for lecture to lecture in the pouring rain. Hot water bottles in bed to keep from freezing. Please, winter. Show your face. Frighten the damn sun away, please make haste.

Kay xx

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

it took me a while

You know, this might sound really random and odd, but I have only just realised the value of friendship. I had an epiphany. Having friends really brightens my day. Even when you're just walking aound campus at Uni, walking past someone you know for a qiuck chat is such a boost to your happiness. They make you laugh, they help you when you're feeling like "wtf?" and you really do feel empty without them.
I love friends. I want to collect them and love each one just as much as the other. The special thing about my friends is that they put up with me. They actually want to spend time with me. The fact that you are apart of someones life is just amazing. Think about what it would be like without yours. I don't like to imagine a world without my people.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Last night me and a friend went to see Josh Thomas do his thing at the Comedy Theatre. I'd been interested in him ever since his first appearence if "Good News Week". You might also recognise him from "Talking about your generation". He had that boyish charm and ability to make people laugh at him, but with him, making fun of himself. So when the Comedy Festival came around I naturally jumped at the chance to see if he was really funny. And I wasn't disappointed.
The show, Suprise, was centred around his coming out as a gay man. If I had know that was what it was going to be about I might not have gone. I wouldn't think you could get any laughs out of that. But boy was I wrong. He was hilarious, going through his story; he even squeezed in a few pokes at Frankston and Geelong, which we citizens of Melbourne could only understand. And that makes them even better. Although I wouldn't say his show is for everyone, or even his style of comedy, but it manages to reach most audiences with the connection he makes with the crowd. It was refreshing to see him talk to us all, instead of just going on with his agenda. As some late comers tip toed into their seats, he would ask them why they were late and poke a little fun at them for it.
So what would I give "Suprise"? My rating would have to be *** and half a *. Although if I was to rate Josh himself, he would get **** . Great comedian, I think he's really starting to take off.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

you lied, they lied, everybody did

So I've been at uni for a good month or so, and I have to admit I'm confused. I mean, they all said University was going to be a blast, all those parties, free days and bludging most of my days away. But the reality is that I don't even get one free day, I have to stay at Uni until 6pm most days and what bludging? The work load isn't that big, sure, but it takes so long to complete just one subject. So when is there time for extra study? I feel like if I take on anymore, I might just be sleeping and working. So, I don't do the extra study I know I should be doing so that I can own some me time.

Sure, the parties are a blast, but they leave you so tired that I feel as though I waste a whole other day recovering from the night before. When I could be using that time to do work I won't have to do later. Now I know I sound like I'm just whining about the "awful" life I have, but it's not all bad haha. The new friends you make, give you reason to attend classes. The old friends you keep give you reason to keep at it all. And your future offers motivation for all the rest.

I just need to remember what I'm there for sometimes. Because although I sound like I'm having the worst time, I really do love it.

Kay xx

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i like all the girls and all the girls like me

When people do those things that are huge turn offs. But they don't know it.

*get drunk all the time
*talk about how the don't remember their holidays (oh yes, that's how fun they were)
*talk about how they're going to get "pissed" on the weekend
*tell you every single detail of their disgusting life
*keep sighing every two seconds because they're just too good to be there
*keep saying "like" inbetween every word
*wear thongs with jeans or any long pants
*play games. If they do, game over for them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

geek chic

It started with a theme party. Mid semester break. Now I see though glassless specs. And I like.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

happy easter retires

Hey everyone. Wanted to wish you all a very Happy Easter! That time of year has come upon us where we eat way to much chocolate, but feel almost no guilt for it. I mean, everyone is doing it right? That's my excuse. I'm a little worse on the chocolate at this time of year since not only is it easter, but my birthday and mum's birthday and a friends, all within a couple of days of eachother. So there's a few cakes, lot's of chocolate and one very full stomache. Oh well, I love it in a way.

Now, as I've turned 18 as of yesterday, I found out some very depressing news. I was sitting on the couch, pleased with the results of my easter egg hunt (yes, I'm a child at heart) when my mum exclaims "that this was the last time the easter bunny was visiting us". The easter bunny has retired. Bye bye bunny. Although it's a little sad to be finally saying goodbye, I'm thinking it's probably time. I would like to thank him for all the years of great service. He's given me many years of tummy aches, and I just hope that those carrots were enough to repay him.

As long as Santa never retires, I think I'll manage to cope. Happy Easter again y'all. Enjoy your time with the family, it's the best part.

Kay xx

Thursday, April 1, 2010

look out, I'm old.

So I've been waiting to turn 18 for more than a year now, as I've watched all my friends become legal before my eyes. They all got to go out and have fun, and I was the youngest who stayed away from the fun. Well, that's what my state of mind was then.

Now that I'm turning 18, I realise how lucky I was to be able to do immature and childish stuff with my friends and be a youth, in my youth. Now I have the rest of my life to enjoy the perks of being over 18. On Saturday I join all you "adults" in your world, and look forward to the new things to come.