Monday, June 7, 2010

everything always relates back to pokemon

What makes you feel as though you've stepped back in time, to those days when you were just a kid, worrying about the next trick on the monkey bars and that boy you married in the playground yesterday?(There was Michael, Justin and Joshua. And yes the marriages all lasted a beautiful day. Except Justin; after our honeymoon he married Elaine. He always had a wandering eye that one.) I love it when I experience something from my childhood that makes me forget all my problems and feel intrinsically happy.

Turning on the television in the morning and realising pokemon is on. Experiencing that, I swear I was 9 years old. It felt odd to be a child for a few seconds, but it brought so much joy. That's why children are always so chipper, they have no reason not to be. No worries. Going for a drive to find homes with christmas lights. Waking up in the morning, and being the first one out of bed, the first one to turn on the tv with the house still dark. That takes me back. Random rant. I don't like kids though.

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