Friday, June 25, 2010

i prefer video

I was thinking about movies that never get released properly; the ones that slip past any hype and silently make their way to dvd. The lost movies. This thought led me to remember some of my favourite movies from my childhood that were fantastic, but if I were to mention them to another person, they probably wouldn't know what I was on about. So to my lost favourite movies, a salute.

Reach For the Sky (1990)

Romanian; I always watched the english subbed version. Not usually a sport movie kind of person but this one really spoke to me way back. I ordered the VHS at the library so many times, I think I was the only one borrowing it.

Hans Christian Andersen (1952)

Probably an odd choice for a seven year old to hold as a favourite; it's a musical biography based on the life of Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen.

The Neverending Story III (1994)

I saw this one before the first two, and I fell in love with it. Dad then borrowed the first two, and I couldn't get through 30 minutes of them. But this one is gold. I bought a VHS I finally found at a carnival sale for 50cents; watching it as an adult, I never realised that a young Jack Black made an appearance!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

did you know

That I think about you ever night before I fall asleep. I make sure that my last thoughts are kept for you and only you; to ensure my dreams are filled of us.

Friday, June 18, 2010

the dream

I realized something today. It's strange, because it was so important to me, but I don't think I ever fully appreciated receiving it. I longed for it to the point of crying and worked so hard to attain it. When I got it, I remember being over the moon. No, those are the wrong words. I buzzed. But I never took the minute to thank and be mindful that I was lucky enough to receive what I longed for. Today when I got home, I saw a picture I had placed on my cork board of my goal. I had placed it as a positive reminder for what I was working for. I look at it everyday. But today I saw it. And I finally realized that I was living my dream.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

you're joking.

The long hours of studying for chemistry have fried my brain. I actually find these hilarious.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

can i have this moment?

I have a masquerade ball fantasy. I dream about it, it plays out just like a fairytale. Although this one is a little darker than a disney movie. If there is one memory I want to own, it's this one.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

to the garden!

maybe it's time for spring to show it's face; don't know if I want these getting dirty

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

everything always relates back to pokemon

What makes you feel as though you've stepped back in time, to those days when you were just a kid, worrying about the next trick on the monkey bars and that boy you married in the playground yesterday?(There was Michael, Justin and Joshua. And yes the marriages all lasted a beautiful day. Except Justin; after our honeymoon he married Elaine. He always had a wandering eye that one.) I love it when I experience something from my childhood that makes me forget all my problems and feel intrinsically happy.

Turning on the television in the morning and realising pokemon is on. Experiencing that, I swear I was 9 years old. It felt odd to be a child for a few seconds, but it brought so much joy. That's why children are always so chipper, they have no reason not to be. No worries. Going for a drive to find homes with christmas lights. Waking up in the morning, and being the first one out of bed, the first one to turn on the tv with the house still dark. That takes me back. Random rant. I don't like kids though.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I've found another reason living in Australia isn't satisfying. I'm always a season or two behind on my favourite shows. The third series of True Blood premieres in 8 days for the lucky Americans. Should be a ripper.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

walking away from a train station

I look up to the sky
And now the world is mine
I've known it all my life
I've made it
I used to dream about
The life I'm living now
I know that there's no doubt
I've made it.

These lyrics inspired me in such a big way today. They hit me like a piano from above, so many answers came to me at once. When I got home after hearing them, I felt so inspired. For the first time in a while I actually wanted to open my chemistry textbook. And I enjoyed completing my study. It was amazing.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

alexander rybak

Now, I didn't think I would ever be the "obsessive" type. But there is this guy that is still driving me crazy. And I like it. If I think about him all the time, is it a bad thing?
I do.