Sunday, January 24, 2010

number two

That photo I took during my adventure through the streets of Melboure. As promised; although very late.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

this is ugly

I've probably posted something along the lines of my point before. But my frustration continues to grow. People are ugly. I'm not talking about physical ugliness, not that I believe in it. I'm talking about that cruel, disgusting thing that lives in 90% of the people in this world. Maybe people are becoming harsher with the changing times, or maybe I have been blinded by the innocence of childhood. Humans just don't care about one another. Sure, it's easy to be kind to your best friend or sister, but what about that woman that passes you by on your daily walk? Or a random man that accidentally knocks you on the train?

I've always cringed at those cheesy poems about "friends being a treasure to hold on to". It's never been more clear to me how relevant those sayings really are. In the end you can't depend on the kindness of strangers, because they don't give a damn about you. Sure, they may smile at you; if only to avoid feeling guilty about it later. Humans are ugly because they will do anything to get what they want. We will lie, steal, hurt and kill. And when we get bored, guess what? We will lie, steal, hurt and kill. I mean, what kind of sick person tortures animals? Crashes a plane into a building? Takes pleasure in causing harm to a fellow human? I feel sick looking down at my own hands and knowing I am the same organism as they are.

I have been opened up to a lot of awful people recently. Perhaps they aren't as bad as the murderers and terrorists stinking up our pure planet, but they certainly leave their mark when it comes to the bigger picture. My point is, your really must stand back and appreaciate those few people in your life you can trust and laugh with. Sorry, but the reality is they don't come along very often.

Gosh, that last line sounded preachy.

Kay xx


I've been gone for about a month due to lack of internet access, but today was the day they finally came and installed wireless in my house. It's nice to be back. Faster and better than before.

The last time I posted, it was the night before I found out my ENTER score and as you could tell I was more than a little nervous. But it turns out I was freaking out for nothing as I got more than 10 points over what I needed to do my dream course over at Monash University. And as of yesterday, I officially got my acceptance letter into Monash. I'm in. Yay me! Now I have to enrol online, and it's not easy.

Hope you all had a great christmas, and are enjoying the new year, I'll post again soon,

Kasia xx